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Group of Asian waiting for an interview


Some time ago, having just finished a contract role, I was looking for my next senior technology appointment. After some time, the interviews to some serious positions landed. I was very excited by the prospect of taking the next step in my career, hoping to cement myself in a position of authority, with excellent progression prospects, a great salary and a working environment I’d be proud to operate in. I remember preparing for each interview diligently, going through company details, my relevant background experience and practicing answers to many common interview questions. I felt ready for this next step in my career. I was worth it.


 One particular experience stands out. The first one, after years of not interviewing but having interviewed dozens of candidates for a several positions. When the day came, I was extremely nervous. I was to be interviewed over the phone by the CTO of a large retail organisation. I remember the phone ringing. I remember my mouth being utterly dry, to the point where usual words were completely mispronounced. My brain had frozen. Worst of all, I was being asked questions I had not prepared for and as I perceived them at the time, completely irrelevant! The interview ended in total disaster.

It was then that I decided to seek professional help. I wanted to pay someone already in a senior position, with hiring experience, to interview me, judge my performance and give me feedback on how I could improve. Similar to a cheat sheet for interviewing. I searched endlessly on the Internet, however, my search drew a blank. There was absolutely no platform or app or website that offered such a service, other than some sporadic instances of coding interviews offered by FAANG engineers, aimed solely at developers.


Thus, an idea was born!


As you can see, we are just like you. We have been in these situations before. We tried. And we failed. So we decided to do something about it. We decided to create an empowering community and platform, where job seekers can access resources that will truly make a difference at an interview. We decided to make sure nobody has to go through the same experiences as us ever again…


Simon Fotakis (Founder)

Job interview cartoon


To arm job candidates of all backgrounds with the tools, attitude and behaviour so they can fine tune their interview technique and succeed in attaining a job befitting of their dreams

attractive young woman at job interview
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